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An author's handbook that opens your eyes to a healthy lifestyle without strict restrictions. Based on integrative medicine, holistic approach, naturopathy, benefits of herbs and plants - ALL the teachings in one Guide. No bad restrictive diets!
7 important topics that are relevant to EVERYONE:
1 - Teeth
2 - Skin: No pimples, No wrinkles
3 - Liver
4 - Gray Hair
5 - Varicose veins
6 - Covid and viruses
7 - Slimming & Detox
*We accept payment with Revolut (EUR) and Crypto (USDT). Click "BUY GUIDE" and choose your payment method - we will send you the following instructions by e-mail.
**After payment, the Guide of Well-being in PDF format will be sent to your e-mail address within 1 day. You can print it or use the electronic version. Enjoy!